Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage
First ever fair of its sort designed to inspire and engage participants while showcasing the latest in the field of innovation.
Rolling in to its 10th year of collaboration with EACEA, cecoforma has organised DG CONNECT's European Film Forum (EFF) events across the continent in select locations.
2018 — select cities, Europe
Challenge: Create synergies between preponderant events, engage stakeholders through dialogue at existing audiovisual markets.
Rolling in to its 10th year collaboration with Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), cecoforma has organised European Film Forum (EFF) events across the continent in select locations. EFF is an initiative of the Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT).
In 2018, this included, EFF Berlin, EFF Annecy, EFF Barcelona, EFF Venice, EFF Cannes, EFF Tallinn and linked to this, the EU Film contest.
Joining forces with a key partner, Creative Europe MEDIA desks, as a platform to use for the gathering of stakeholders to engage in important dialogue to help inform policy makers.
Tasked to create synergies and avoid duplication of work, these events enabled public exchanges of expertise and good practises through interactive sessions.
In 2018, the very first European Film Forum was hosted in Berlin, in conjunction to the Berlinale in February. ‘The future of MEDIA: connecting Europeans through films’ was the theme. Read more here.
The EFF carved its place in to the colossal 71st annual Cannes Film Festival to host a series of debates on various topics such as collaboration strategies to increase audiences, financing, co-production, distribution and talent development. Read more here.
Onto the fantastic world of animation, cecoforma helped bring the EFF to the Annecy International Animated Film Festival to explore opportunities for animation studios to build effective marketing and brand strategies. Read more here.
Edging in to the business side of EFFs, ‘The Business Case for European Content’ was the theme of the EFF Barcelona. Read more here.
The EFF in Venice linked up with the Biennale to allow policy makers to engage directly with stakeholders.
A climactic moment was the EU Film contest, which cecoforma took care of all aspects of the contest management. The winners of the European film contest were invited to Cannes Film Festival to experience the festival world and professionalism behind it. Cecoforma coordinated the communication and social media campaign for the contest and supported the winners during their time in Cannes.
Cecoforma provided its know-how on communication strategy and event organisation to execute meaningful meetings with outcomes that could benefit every European.
The various events were tied together with a harmonious implementation by our dedicated project managers.
First ever fair of its sort designed to inspire and engage participants while showcasing the latest in the field of innovation.
Unite cultural and creative sectors’ stakeholders to assess progress and map out future goals